A La Carte Series

Your one-stop shop for planning amazing worship experiences for Advent, Lent, and every other season of the liturgical year. Fully-scripted worship series from the Worship Design Studio are designed to give you the complete package of a ready-made worship series for you to share with your faith community. Check out all of our fully-scripted series below! Get access to ALL of these by becoming a full-year member of the Worship Design Studio.

A La Carte Series

Your one-stop shop for planning amazing worship experiences for Advent, Lent, and every other season of the liturgical year. Fully-scripted worship series from the Worship Design Studio are designed to give you the complete package of a ready-made worship series for you to share with your faith community. Check out all of our fully-scripted series below! Get access to ALL of these by becoming a full-year member of the Worship Design Studio.

What’s Included?

  • Full scripts for worship services in their entirety: everything from the Introit to the Benediction!
  • Original music written specifically for the series, plus lots of suggestions for music in popular songbooks and sources that fit well with the series themes
  • Visual and Media Arts document with tons of ideas for creative lighting, crafts, images for projection and publicity, and more!
  • Children’s time scripts and suggestions for engaging your young ones in worship
  • Small group resources to boost your congregation’s engagement with one another beyond the walls of your church
  • Preaching prompts to inspire your writing of the message. We don’t give you the entire sermon; that part is up to you! But, we do provide ideas to spark your creativity.

Advent Series:

Here are our RCL and non-lectionary series for Advent.
If you do not follow the Revised Common Lectionary, of course these series are usable any year.


We are so often focused on the destination in our travels. This Advent season, we will pay attention not just to the destination of Christmas, but also to the places where events occurred that led to a starry night on which a child was born who would change the world. And we will ponder our own milestones–the progress and the potholes “on the way.”



RCL Year C

Economic disparity runs rampant, locally and globally. As we enter the Advent season, how can our churches become houses where the Holy will be born anew — offering respite, sustenance and care? As we study the biblical prophets that call us to “make room in the inn,” the lonely and frightened spaces within us are filled with the light of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.



RCL Year A

The Christmas season is time when the juxtaposition of the sacred and secular feels sometimes blatantly opposed, and sometimes quite blurred. This year, you are invited to a spiritual journey of seeing ALL things pregnant with the Holy. Inspired by Every Thing is Sacred: 40 Practices and Reflections on the Universal Christ by Richard Rohr and Patrick Boland.


RCL Year B

Advent can be filled with worry about finding the perfect Christmas gifts. Deep down we want people in our lives to know they are special and that we love them. But sometimes we overlook the greatest gift of all…our very presence. This series features music suggestions from our guest expert, Mark Hayes, and a book study by Amy Oden.


Angels Among Us Logo

The angels in the story of Jesus’ birth would have been very comfortable in our world of tweets and hashtags. Their messages were often short and to the point, their favorite line being: #DoNotBeAfraid. This series encourages us to join with the angels in offering the world #morehope, #morepeace, #morejoy, #morelove…and ultimately #morelife.



“Silent Night” is a best-loved worship moment for many, even those who only come to church once a year. Something mystical occurs on Christmas Eve as we light our candles and sing the hope of “all is calm, all is bright.” This worship series celebrates the carol’s message over the entire Advent season and highlights its call for our lives that can guide us all year long.


Heaven and Nature Sing Logo

“Heaven and Nature Sing: 300 Years of Joy to the World” is a celebration of the 300th anniversary of the writing of the beloved Christmas hymn, “Joy to the World.” Rather than “joy” being yet another word for “happiness,” we find the depths of joy especially in the midst of suffering, the work of justice, and the presence of compassion.




This series looks at how living in God’s economy of grace and justice is the antithesis of the life-threatening addiction to money, success, exclusion and looking out for ourselves. Just as God’s presence was born anew into this world, we too can be born anew, woken up and redeemed into renewed life, joy, passion, generosity, humility and love.



Heaven and Nature Sing Logo

“I Believe Even When…” is inspired by the beautiful choral anthem by Mark Miller, “I Believe.” Originally created in 2020 at the height of COVID-19, this series focuses on powerful connections through music in the form of virtual choir recordings. This series lifts up stories of the indelible human spirit and the power of music to illuminate the night.



DIY Series for Subscribers

The Worship Design Studio annual Subscription includes access to ALL of the fully-scripted series listed here, in addition to a selection of older “DIY” (do-it-yourself) series that do not come with full scripts, but do provide compelling weekly themes, threads, and creative ideas for all the worship arts. And our library of content grows each year!



Epiphany Series:

Here are our RCL and non-lectionary series for what we call “Epiphany Plus.” Any of these series can also work well in Ordinary Time after Pentecost.

RCL Year C, 6 Weeks

A miscalculation has occurred. The wedding guests have drunk all the wine before the party is over. At times, life can feel like we’re “running out” of so much, and scarcity is shutting down the party. We are invited to turn to the currency and economy of Jesus. In his economy, the true measure of abundance is fullness for the whole community, not just for some.



DIY Series for Subscribers

The Worship Design Studio annual Subscription includes access to ALL of the fully-scripted series listed here, in addition to a selection of older “DIY” (do-it-yourself) series that do not come with full scripts, but do provide compelling weekly themes, threads, and creative ideas for all the worship arts. And our library of content grows each year!



RCL Year B, 8 Weeks

The new year always brings opportunities to move beyond our limitations…to find new beginnings and to be better than we were before. We use this cultural word-play in our series title to remember that the most basic transforming experiences of our faith, communion and baptism, are the starting points for life “beyond” our limitations.



RCL Year A, 8 Weeks

Seasonal Affective Disorder happens when a lack of sunlight affects our moods and ability to cope. “Spiritual Affective Disorder” can also be a condition when we’ve had prolonged stress and life feels uncertain. What is our faithful response to our strained mental health? What if we treat everyday activities as spiritual practices to help shine a light on the “blahs?”



RCL Year B, 7 Weeks

After the rush and activity of the holiday season, the new year can offer us a time of slowing down, simplifying, and leaning on reflection and prayer to help us sustain the journey toward a time when we can move to the rhythms of life for which we yearn. It is difficult to be patient in the midst of difficult times. The Psalms can help us with that.



Non-Lectionary, 6 Weeks

The Worship Design Studio annual Subscription includes access to ALL of the fully-scripted series listed here, in addition to a selection of older “DIY” (do-it-yourself) series that do not come with full scripts, but do provide compelling weekly themes, threads, and creative ideas for all the worship arts. And our library of content grows each year!



Lent Series:

Here are our RCL and non-lectionary series for Lent.
If you do not follow the Revised Common Lectionary, of course these series are usable any year.

Purveyors of Awe series logo

A sense of awe can include witnessing acts of “moral beauty.” Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem was such an act as he continued his ministry of lifting up the cause of the lowly and advocating for the power of peace and justice. This series explores the power of Beauty, Wonder, Meaning, Curiosity, Delight, Connection, and Self-Giving and the benefits of an awe-filled life.


RCL Year C

We live in a culture bent on definitions of a good life as continuous upward mobility–climbing ladders of prosperity with increasingly fabulous experiences. Welcome to a Lent of affirming a faith in which we can lean into embracing our imperfect, “good enough” lives. Based on Kate Bowler’s devotional book, Good Enough: 40’ish Devotionals for a Life of Imperfection.



RCL Year B

Lent is often known as a time of giving something up in order to make room in our lives for spiritual pursuits. Rather than just “giving up” in Lent, the scriptures ask us to consider all that Jesus is “up to” and all that he asks us to be up to in his name. This Lent, we will celebrate the small things that we can do right now to respond to God’s call in our place, for our time.




Each of us is created a precious and holy vessel of embodied love. In this Lenten “season of recovery” for our physical, communal, mental, intellectual, and environmental health, we will explore the healing narratives of Jesus that tell of divine solidarity with human suffering and begin a journey toward making something beautiful from what seems broken. 




Inspired by New Testament scholar Amy-Jill Levine’s book, Entering the Passion of Jesus, this worship series moves through the last week of Jesus’ life over the course of 6 weeks, “freeze-framing” various parts of the Holy Week story so we can dive deep into the narrative. Includes lots of suggestions for bringing the story to life through visual and dramatic arts.




This much-loved, non-lectionary Lenten series is inspired by Amos, a prophet whose message is that God calls us to let “justice roll down like waters.” Worship without justice is not acceptable; rather, our songs must move us to action on behalf of the oppressed. Utilizes the music of WDS Guest Expert, Mark Miller and the anchor image of waterfalls. 




Based on the book of the same name by Dr. Eric Elnes, this series explores something we all deal with…dark moments in our lives that are filled with uncertainty, failure, emptiness, lost-ness, temptation, and so many other challenges. And yet, there are gifts to be found if we embrace them. The struggles of life can be the seedbed of spiritual awakening.




In this series, we will quiet things down and heighten our attention to the “still, small voice” of God and our own true self. Includes spiritual practices outside of worship such as lectio divina, contemplative prayer, praying with beads, walking/running as prayer and Bible journaling. Come and rest, come and listen during this reflective Lent series.



The series invites practices of making room, clearing out, slowing down, and prioritizing for the sake of holistic lives. Let us find rhythms that allow us to thrive, finding a balance between work, play, rest and reflection. Rather than being motivated by unbridled consumption or production, the Scriptures see our lives and bodies as gifts that should be nurtured.


RCL Year A

The Christian scriptures offer many images of where love, grace, forgiveness, righteousness, and healing can REALLY be found. And it is not in the “usual” places. Lent is a wonderfully reflective time to reassess where we are searching for meaning and purpose. We’ll move through stories of Jesus to find out who offers the “real deal.”



Looking for Holy Week Resources?

Check out our Holy Week bundle or Family Lent Services!

Easter Series:

Here are our RCL and non-lectionary series for the Easter season through Pentecost.
If you do not follow the Revised Common Lectionary, of course these series are usable any year.

The Cup of Freedom series logo
RCL Year C

When death seems to have had the last word and rising up feels locked down, we call on the power of love and life. We take up Jesus’ cup of freedom, we call on the name of the One Who Is Truly Sovereign, and we claim the freedom to move forward, to sing, to follow, to rise again, to love, heal, and be opened. In the end, we are filled with the freedom of the Spirit of God.





The butterfly has long been a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus, as well as our own resurrection as we emerge from the power of fear and death. In this series, we will consider the process of metamorphosis as a guide to examine our own transformations from cocoons and tombs to the unfurled beauty of all God calls us to be.



RCL Year A

After the events of Holy Week, the disciples are devastated. They are in the midst of full-blown grief and disbelief. Into the heart of that grief came a stunning revelation–life had overcome death. God’s faithfulness would build them up once again–will bind them together. Is this possible in our lives? The message of this series says, “Yes! Come and see!”



RCL Year B

As Easter people, we are called to dance our dances of freedom for all the world to see. Dances of hope. Dances of justice. Dances of love. During this season, post-resurrection stories point to the joy of living in the beloved community and extending that fellowship through our witness as we “dare to dance again!” This uplifting series features scriptures from RCL Year B.




The Easter Season is a time of celebrating all the ways in which resurrection is possible in our lives. What keeps us locked up inside? What binds us, keeping us from the fullness of who God created us to be? Join us for powerful testimonies — Resurrection Stories — from those who have found “resurrection” in their lives. It might just inspire you to unlock your own rising up!



Easter DIY series available to WDS Subscribers

The Worship Design Studio annual Subscription includes access to ALL of the fully-scripted series listed here, in addition to a selection of older “DIY” (do-it-yourself) series that do not come with full scripts, but do provide compelling weekly themes, threads, and creative ideas for all the worship arts. And our library of content grows each year!



Ordinary Time Series:

Here are our RCL and non-lectionary series for Ordinary Time.
If you do not follow the Revised Common Lectionary, of course these series are usable any year.

Non-Lectionary, 5 Weeks

When political and cultural tensions run high, we must remember to “do unto others” the way Jesus taught: with kindness, compassion, humility, respect, and love. This series could be used in the five weeks leading up to Election Day 2024 (USA) or anytime your community needs to focus on healing division. Available for FREE or pay-what-you-can.


RCL Year A, 4 Weeks

In this “Come to the Table” series, we hear the call to dine with Jesus — an invitation that means much more than a simple eating experience. When we say “yes” to the place at Christ’s table, we accept a way of life that embraces God’s definition of love, peace, grace, and joy. Let us celebrate the depth of communion to which we are called.



Non-Lectionary, 4 Weeks

Our brains were designed to be suspicious of change, and for good reason–homeostasis in good measure helps us thrive, protecting us from danger. But if we look closely at what the Creator set in motion, we find that change is actually the most constant part of life. Jesus advocated for changes that would keep us moving toward greater goodness!



Non-Lectionary, 4 Weeks

Whether you travel far away or see your local surroundings as if for the first time, pilgrimage has long been a spiritual practice, and “journey” a deeply-felt metaphor for our spiritual lives. “Quest” comes from the Latin root meaning “ask, seek.” This four week worship series encourages us to open ourselves more fully to curiosity, wonder, and transformation.



Non-Lectionary, 4 Weeks

Using the classic film It’s a Wonderful Life as a springboard of discussion on how money affects each of us in different ways, this four-week worship series helps us look squarely in the face of our “money issues” with mindfulness and compassion. In this way we can learn how to find more depth of meaning, healing, and wholeness, as well as a fresh outlook.



Non-Lectionary, 6 Weeks

This fully-scripted series focuses on tuning our attention to notice beauty in our everyday surroundings and to practice compassion for all created beings. The materials include video packages for the opening threshold moment, the lectio divina scripture reading, the visio divina response to the sermon, and the benediction.



Non-Lectionary, 6 Weeks

We spend too much time being “driven” rather than “drawn in.” We focus on what we “should” do rather than what we feel excited and compelled to do in our lives, in this world. Connect with your inherent creativity and renew your congregation’s energy for passionate work, delightful play, and creative problem solving to make this world a better place for all.


Non-Lectionary, 6 Weeks

In the midst of bad news, fake news, and no-news-is-good-news, wouldn’t you like to reclaim the wonder, joy and goodness of life? This Ordinary Time Summer series was created in collaboration with the Creation Spirituality Communities Working Group and is all about celebrating our inherent goodness as God’s creation!


Non-Lectionary, 7 Weeks

Originally designed for the season of Lent, “Roll Down Justice” works beautifully anytime of year that your church is called to focus on social justice issues, locally and globally. This version can also be used during the Easter season through Pentecost. Utilizes the music of WDS Guest Expert, Mark Miller and the anchor image of waterfalls.



Non-Lectionary, 7 Weeks

After the rush and activity of the holiday season, the new year can offer us a time of slowing down, simplifying, and leaning on reflection and prayer to help us sustain the journey toward a time when we can move to the rhythms of life for which we yearn. It is difficult to be patient in the midst of difficult times. The Psalms can help us with that.
